If you just want to intercept some calls for a specific route, you have to create a Route
node (usually by calling createChild
) and intercept that node.
For example, for creating a timeout for a route, you could do the following:
fun Route.routeTimeout(time: Long, unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS, callback: Route.() -> Unit): Route {
// With createChild, we create a child node for this received Route
val routeWithTimeout = this.createChild(object : RouteSelector(1.0) {
override fun evaluate(context: RoutingResolveContext, segmentIndex: Int): RouteSelectorEvaluation =
// Intercepts calls from this route at the features step
routeWithTimeout.intercept(ApplicationCallPipeline.Features) {
withTimeout(time, unit) {
proceed() // With proceed we can define code to be executed before and after the call
// Configure this route with the block provided by the user
return routeWithTimeout
nodeThe Route
class defines an intercept method that applies to that route node or any other inner route:
/// Installs an interceptor into this route which will be called when this or a child route is selected for a call
fun Route.intercept(phase: PipelinePhase, block: PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall>)
You can get the route being handled by casting the call: ApplicationCall
to RoutingApplicationCall
that has a route: Route
overrides the toString()
method to generate a path to the route, something like:
override fun Route.toString() = when {
parent == null -> "/"
parent.parent == null -> "/$selector"
else -> "$parent/$selector"
intercept(ApplicationCallPipeline.Setup) {
if (call.request.path() == "/admin/book") {
call.respondText {
"intercept book"
// Truncate the route response. If there is no finish() function,
// the route /book will still respond to the processing, and the pipeline will be unwritable.
return@intercept finish()
You can globally intercept the routing calls by using the events Routing.RoutingCallStarted
and Routing.RoutingCallFinished
pipeline.environment.monitor.subscribe(Routing.RoutingCallStarted) { call: RoutingApplicationCall ->
println("Route started: ${call.route}")
pipeline.environment.monitor.subscribe(Routing.RoutingCallFinished) { call: RoutingApplicationCall ->
println("Route completed: ${call.route}")
You can see a full example of this in the Metrics feature.