Handle Conversations with Sessions

预计阅读时间: 15 分钟

A session is a mechanism to persist data between different HTTP requests. Establishing a conversational context into the otherwise stateless nature of HTTP. They allow servers to keep a piece of information associated with the client during a sequence of HTTP requests and responses.

Different use-cases include: authentication and authorization, user tracking, keeping information at client like a shopping cart, and more.

Sessions are typically implemented by employing Cookies, but could also be done using headers for example to be consumed by other backends or an AJAX requests.

They are either client-side when the entire serialized object goes back and forth between the client and the server, or server-side when only the session ID is transferred and the associated data is stored entirely in the server.

Table of contents:

本特性在 io.ktor.sessions.Sessions 类中定义,无需任何额外构件。


Sessions are usually represented as immutable data classes (and session is changed by calling the .copy method):

data class SampleSession(val name: String, val value: Int)

A simple Sessions installation looks like this:

install(Sessions) {

And a more advanced installation could be like:

install(Sessions) {
        directorySessionStorage(File(".sessions"), cached = true)
    ) {
        cookie.path = "/" // Specify cookie's path '/' so it can be used in the whole site

To configure sessions you have to to specify a cookie/header name, optional server-side storage, and a class associated to the session.

If you want to further customize sessions. Please read the extending section.

Since there are several combinations for configuring sessions, there is a section about deciding how to configure sessions.


In order to access or set the session content, you have to use the call.sessions property:

To get the session content, you can call the call.sessions.get method receiving as type parameter one of the registered session types:

routing {
    get("/") {
        // If the session was not set, or is invalid, the returned value is null.
        val mySession: MySession? = call.sessions.get<MySession>()

To create or modify current session you just call the set method of the sessions property with the value of the data class:

call.sessions.set(MySession(name = "John", value = 12))

To modify a session (for example incrementing a counter), you have to call the .copy method of the data class:

val session = call.sessions.get<MySession>() ?: MySession(name = "Initial", value = 0)  
call.sessions.set(session.copy(value = session.value + 1))

When a user logs out, or a session should be cleared for any other reason, you can call the clear function:


After calling this, retrieving that session will return null, until set again.

When handling requests, you can get, set, or clear your sessions:

val session = call.sessions.get<SampleSession>() // Gets a session of this type or null if not available
call.sessions.set(SampleSession(name = "John", value = 12)) // Sets a session of this type
call.sessions.clear<SampleSession>() // Clears the session of this type 

Multiple sessions

Since there could be several conversational states for a single application, you can install multiple session mappings. For example:

  • Storing user preferences, or cart information as a client-side cookie.
  • While storing the user login inside a file on the server.
application.install(Sessions) {
    cookie<Session1>("Session1") // install a cookie stateless session
    header<Session2>("Session2", sessionStorage) { // install a header server-side session
        transform(SessionTransportTransformerDigest()) // sign the ID that travels to client
install(Sessions) {
    cookie<SessionCart>("SESSION_CART_LIST") {
        cookie.path = "/shop" // Just accessible in '/shop/*' subroutes
        directorySessionStorage(File(".sessions"), cached = true)
    ) {
        cookie.path = "/" // Specify cookie's path '/' so it can be used in the whole site
        transform(SessionTransportTransformerDigest()) // sign the ID that travels to client

For multiple session mappings, both type and name should be unique.


You can configure the sessions in several different ways:

  • Where is the payload stored: client-side, or server-side.
  • How is the payload or the session id transferred: Using cookies or headers.
  • How are they serialized: Using an internal format, JSON, a custom engine…
  • Where is the payload stored in the server: In memory, a folder, redis…
  • Payload transformations: Encrypted, authenticated…

Since sessions can be implemented by various techniques, there is an extensive configuration facility to set them up:

  • cookie will install cookie-based transport
  • header will install header-based transport

Each of these functions will get the name of the cookie or header.

If a function is passed an argument of type SessionStorage it will use the storage to save the session, otherwise it will serialize the data into the cookie/header value.

Each of these functions can receive an optional configuration lambda.

For cookies, the receiver is CookieSessionBuilder which allows you to:

  • specify custom serializer
  • add a value transformer, like signing or encrypting
  • specify the cookie configuration such as duration, encoding, domain, path and so on

For headers, the receiver is HeaderSessionBuilder which allows serializer and transformer customization.

For cookies & headers that are server-side with a SessionStorage, additional configuration is identity function that should generate a new ID when the new session is created.

Deciding how to configure sessions

  • Use Cookies for plain HTML applications.
  • Use Header for APIs or for XHR requests if it is simpler for your http clients.

Client vs Server

  • Use Server Cookies if you want to prevent session replays or want to further increase security
    • Use SessionStorageMemory for development if you want to drop sessions after stopping the server
    • Use directorySessionStorage for production environments or to keep sessions after restarting the server
  • Use Client Cookies if you want a simpler approach without the storage on the backend
    • Use it plain if you want to modify it on the fly at the client for testing purposes and don’t care about the modifications
    • Use it with transform authenticating and optionally encrypting it to prevent modifications
    • Do not use it at all if your session payload is vulnerable to replay attacks. Security examples here.

Baked snippets

Since no SessionStorage is provided as a cookie second argument its contents will be stored in the cookie.

install(Sessions) {
    val secretHashKey = hex("6819b57a326945c1968f45236589")
    cookie<SampleSession>("SESSION_FEATURE_SESSION") {
        cookie.path = "/"
        transform(SessionTransportTransformerMessageAuthentication(secretHashKey, "HmacSHA256"))

Storing a session id in a cookie, and storing session contents in-memory

SessionStorageMemory don’t have parameters at this point.

install(Sessions) {
    cookie<SampleSession>("SESSION_FEATURE_SESSION_ID", SessionStorageMemory()) {
        cookie.path = "/"

Alongside SessionStorage there is a SessionStorageMemory class that you can use for development. It is a simple implementation that will keep sessions in-memory, thus all the sessions are dropped once you shutdown the server and will constantly grow in memory since this implementation does not discard the old sessions at all.

This implementation is not intended for production environments.

Storing a session id in a cookie, and storing session contents in a file

You have to include an additional artifact for the directorySessionStorage function.

compile("io.ktor:ktor-server-sessions:$ktor_version") // Required for directorySessionStorage

install(Sessions) {
        directorySessionStorage(File(".sessions"), cached = true)
    ) {
        cookie.path = "/" // Specify cookie's path '/' so it can be used in the whole site

As part of the io.ktor:ktor-server-sessions artifact, there is a directorySessionStorage function which utalizes a session storage that will use a folder for storing sessions on disk.

This function has a first argument of type File that is the folder that will store sessions (it will be created if it doesn’t exist already).

There is also an optional cache argument, which when set, will keep a 60-second in-memory cache to prevent calling the OS and reading the session from disk each time.


Sessions are designed to be extensible, and there are some cases where you might want to further compose or change the default sessions behaviour.

For example by using custom encryption or authenticating algorithms for the transport value, or to store your session information server-side to a specific database.

You can define custom transformers, custom serializers and custom storages.