There are two predefined storages: SessionStorageMemory
, DirectoryStorage
. And another composable storage: CacheStorage
and CacheStorage
are dependant on the io.ktor:ktor-server-sessions:$ktor_version
In this mode, you are just sending a Session Id instead of the actual session contents.
This id is used to store its contents on the server side using a specific SessionStorage
This mode is used when you specify a second argument with a storage in the cookie
or header
install(Sessions) {
cookie<SampleSession>("SESSION_FEATURE_SESSION_ID", SessionStorageMemory()) {
cookie.path = "/"
is in charge of storing and retrieving session payload. The interface is suspendable,
so you can, and should if it is possible, transfer the data asynchronously.
The data is transferred as a stream and the callee will pass consumers and providers offering the binary payload, and the callee will be in charge of opening and closing those byte channels.
interface SessionStorage {
suspend fun write(id: String, provider: suspend (ByteWriteChannel) -> Unit)
suspend fun invalidate(id: String)
suspend fun <R> read(id: String, consumer: suspend (ByteReadChannel) -> R): R
If the storage doesn’t provide a meaningful way to store information as a stream, you might want to use
a simplified adaptor that just reads and writes it using ByteArray
. It can also be used as an example to know
how to deal with the API in its primitive stream-based version.
abstract class SimplifiedSessionStorage : SessionStorage {
abstract suspend fun read(id: String): ByteArray?
abstract suspend fun write(id: String, data: ByteArray?): Unit
override suspend fun invalidate(id: String) {
write(id, null)
override suspend fun <R> read(id: String, consumer: suspend (ByteReadChannel) -> R): R {
val data = read(id) ?: throw NoSuchElementException("Session $id not found")
return consumer(ByteReadChannel(data))
override suspend fun write(id: String, provider: suspend (ByteWriteChannel) -> Unit) {
return provider(CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).reader(coroutineContext, autoFlush = true) {
write(id, channel.readAvailable())
suspend fun ByteReadChannel.readAvailable(): ByteArray {
val data = ByteArrayOutputStream()
val temp = ByteArray(1024)
while (!isClosedForRead) {
val read = readAvailable(temp)
if (read <= 0) break
data.write(temp, 0, read)
return data.toByteArray()